Culling My Own Work

I said goodbye to some of my favorites today. By favorites, I mean photographs that I previously added to my website as some of my proudest work. They were good at the time but as my portfolio grows, some old ones must go.

This is one that I dropped from my personal favorites page. Truthfully, I knew that I blew out the highlights on this shot. But, it was my best fern photo to date. And I made this photo on a wonderful spring hike with my daughter in the Noland Creek section of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. While those factors make it special to me, they don’t mean it’s some of my best work. So, I culled it.

This was a harder one to say goodbye to. It’s good technically and represents a common sight at The Parklands of Floyd’s Fork. It was my first successful focus stacked photo. While the colors are vivid, the subject is not outstanding. Plus, my vision has changed to more wide vistas. So, it didn’t make the cut.

This won’t be the last time I cull some photos. Take a look at my galleries and let me know the photos that you think I’ll be taking out in the future—and hopefully the ones that you think will stand the test of time and always be there.


Intentional Photography


My 2023 Photo Projects