My 2023 Photo Projects

I’m going to focus on two things for my photography next year:

  • Putting together a paper calendar of wide vistas. The photo below will definitely be in it.

  • I’m going to move my outreach from social media and toward my website.

Wide vista of a river at sunrise with clouds and mist

June in Kentucky

The first idea comes from my work with Chris Sale as my photography mentor for a couple of years. He and I were looking at my 12 in 12 photo challenge progress, and he encouraged me to focus my efforts on wide vistas for a year.

I described the 12 in 12 project here and updated my progress last July. It’s a project shared by me, other members of the Fotocom community that Chris organized, and a few photographers outside the group. It stems from an Ansel Adams quote about 12 photographs a year being a good crop.

The second goal will eventually give me more control over how my photographs are seen. I’ve already dropped Twitter because of the recent changes there. I’ll still post to Instagram but getting seen there seems more and more ruled by its administrator’s algorithm and less affected by my improvement as a photographer. Facebook is a good way to share with small group members, but that space is filled with more ads and general weirdness than I enjoy.

So, I’ll end with an ask. Please head to my website, bookmark it, take a look at my new collection of wide vistas, and come back to see what I’m working on.

Thank you!


Culling My Own Work


A Black & White Waterfall